Taeniasis results from eating raw/ undercooked beef and pork. Man is the main reservior for the organism.
Taeniasis is caused by the parasite Taenia solium (from pork) and Taenia saginatta (from beef)
- Man ingest cysticercus in beef/ pork which evaginates and the scolex attaches to the walls of the intestine.
- Adult worms grow to several meters in intestines, releasing proglottids and some free eggs.
- Cattle/ pigs become infected when grazing on grass contaminated with faeces.
- Embroyos hatch, penetrate the intestinal walls and are carried by the bloodstream to the skeletal muscles, as well as to the tongue, diaphragm and liver, grow and encyst to become cysticercus bovis and cysticercus cellulose (infective larvae)
- Vague abdominal pain
- Abdominal distension
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Cysticercosis (related to T solium)
- Eye involvement (blurred vision)
- Epilepsy
- Hydrocephalus
- Basal meningitis
- Dimentia
- cranial nerve defect
- Stool exams for eggs
- CT and MRI can be done in cysticercosis.
- Praziquantel 10mg/kg.
- Avoid eating raw/ undercooked beef and pork
- Improve sanitation
- Avoid open defecation
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